How to Sell your First 5 Products


As a small business owner, I understand the hardships of trying to build a creative business and have success with not a big following. Since most small creative business owners are the “jack-of-all-trades,” and fill all the roles for their business, I understand the fights with self-doubt, wanting to give up, and experiencing burn-out. I made this post about selling your first 5 products because businesses are created by taking baby steps. Matter of fact, understanding that success is just cumulative baby steps can help prevent burn-out and make the entrepreneur journey more enjoyable. 5 products turn into 10, 10 into 20, and so on. These are 3 of my favorite tips that helped me generate over $100 of sales in the first week of my launch!

Let’s get into it!

Tip 1: Make a Grand Entrance

So you know that part in a movie where the beautiful woman walks in with the beautiful gown and all eyes gravitate towards her? Yes, it’s a cheesy reference but this is what you have to do with your brand. Create a build-up plan that gets people to start turning their heads. Some examples of this can be:

  • Creating a countdown plan on social media that leads up to your business launch

  • Create an opt-in freebie that will grow your email list and attract an audience that you can market to before your launch

Creating a launch plan or countdown plan starts building traction and attention to your business before it even launches. This gives you a better chance at making sales when you finally launch.

Tip 2: Tell Everyone you Know

If you’re like me, you don’t necessarily like to tell your friends and family about your business because of fear of what if it doesn’t work out. Or if you are shy when it comes to talking about your accomplishments because you don’t want to “brag” on yourself. If you’re completely comfortable with telling others about your accomplishments, then great for you! You’ve probably done this already. But for all the others that can understand where I’m coming from, GET OVER IT!!! Lol 

Just joking, but seriously. It’s okay if we fail and others see. At least we took the chance to do something. By doing just that, we’ve already done more than the average person. I had to get over this because if I didn’t tell anyone, then how would anyone know? 

And it’s honestly easier to tell the people who are your friends, family, and even colleagues because they want to support you and see you be successful. Some examples of how you can spread the word is:

  • Making a social media post that talks about your business and includes a call to action

  • Send a massive text message to your friends and family letting everyone know about your launch

Tip 3: Create a Unique Customer Experience

What do you do for your customers that make them want to come back? How do you make your customers feel valued? How do you remain in your customer’s mind? How do you invite them back? Think of these questions as the customer experience

Think about when you make online purchases or purchases from a small business. I love getting cute free stickers or discount codes. I love the intimacy small businesses create with their customers. These small gestures leave me with something to remember them by and also invites me to come back. 

In each of my sticker or t-shirt purchases, I include additional stickers and a personalized handwritten note that tells the customer, thank you! It’s a nice little surprise when they open up their purchase and it makes them feel like I genuinely value their support, because I do :)

Some examples of creating a unique customer experience could be:

  • Giving a freebie with every product or service purchase that would be at a very low or no additional costs to you (i.e. free digital product, thank you postcard or branded stickers)

  • Offering an exclusive discount code for people who have purchased from you or are on your email list 

These are my top 3 tips on how to sell your first 5 products! I hope you took something away from this post. Please comment and share this post.  

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