Custom Digital Illustration
Portrait Illustration:
This will be created in Procreate at the size of 1080x1080px (15x15in) at 300 dpi. You’ll receive a high quality digital illustration created by me that you can post on Instagram and other social platforms. Prices vary depending on use of image.
Book Illustrations:
This will vary depending on how many pages, etc. But $300 is base rate.
T-shirt Design:
This price can vary depending on uses but base rate is $150.
This represents 50% of full amount. A contract and invoice will be sent after inquiry.
Portrait Illustration:
This will be created in Procreate at the size of 1080x1080px (15x15in) at 300 dpi. You’ll receive a high quality digital illustration created by me that you can post on Instagram and other social platforms. Prices vary depending on use of image.
Book Illustrations:
This will vary depending on how many pages, etc. But $300 is base rate.
T-shirt Design:
This price can vary depending on uses but base rate is $150.
This represents 50% of full amount. A contract and invoice will be sent after inquiry.
Portrait Illustration:
This will be created in Procreate at the size of 1080x1080px (15x15in) at 300 dpi. You’ll receive a high quality digital illustration created by me that you can post on Instagram and other social platforms. Prices vary depending on use of image.
Book Illustrations:
This will vary depending on how many pages, etc. But $300 is base rate.
T-shirt Design:
This price can vary depending on uses but base rate is $150.
This represents 50% of full amount. A contract and invoice will be sent after inquiry.